Standing still…

In life we make many choices, some bad choices, some really bad choices and some great choices.

What we don’t realize is that it is these choices we make that impact and create our circumstances. When a certain choice was made and it created despair and chaos , we often look up in the sky and say God why! Why is this happening to me? with blame we hold him to Simply because we made a blind choice, because we have convinced ourselves that the choice we made Was right, and what we needed when in fact we knew deep down it was not what we truly desired.

All because we were not being true to ourselves!!

But … It don’t have to be that way! If you stop standing still and get out of your own way and realize that you already have the power deep within to change your circumstances, to reframe your destiny and stand in your truth simply by just believing in yourself and being true to yourself.


Everyday you wake up you get a second chance, a second chance at life, a second chance to make new choices to create your own destiny, to be anything you desire to be.

The only thing standing in your way is You!!

©Danielle Santos Life coach

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